| Carsen Smithwick

Meet GrinningJupiter Jammery

Many of you guys know and love GrinningJupiter Jammery’s jams & pickled items. Ashley Andermann has been a staple in our store for a while now, and you all also know her from Local Pop-Up markets. She can also be found in many other local businesses in the area!

Ashley started her love of canning when her parents bought a piece of property in Ethel, Louisiana 20 years ago. The property contained peach trees, wild blackberries, and two beautiful gardens, so Ashley and her mom decided to can the fruit. Years later, GrinningJupiter Jammery was a reality, as Ashley “preferred to work for [herself] and canning gave [her] the opportunity to do so.” I asked Ashley how she came up with her flavors, and she explained that as much as she enjoys traditional fruit flavors, she equally loves experimenting with new flavors because it keeps making jams fun. Some of her flavors even come from suggestions her customers give her. Her combinations are limitless, as she enjoys to mix “fruits with vegetables, herbs, and wild native plants.” She simply finds combinations that she thinks will be good, and goes from there.

Canning fruits is not the only thing Ashley does. She explains that you always need an outlet that is outside of what you do for work in order to live your best life. When she needs to step away from canning, she finds herself gravitating towards herbalism, traveling, and gardening to keep her grounded. To quote Ashley, “I think that in this fast paced and sometimes disconnected world we live in, it is important to remember to have a personal relationship with the world around you.” From your food, medicine, and cultures, you need to try to have a relationship with every aspect of your life. She states that “canning, herbalism, and travel fill my cup most days. I feel blessed to be able to experience and learn from these ventures.” 

Ashley’s well-spoken advice is something we can all take and learn from. Many of us have become disconnected from the world, so it is important to spend time doing something to keep you grounded outside of work you have to do. Have experiences that you can learn from and that fill your cup, whether that is gardening or traveling like Ashley, or any other pastime you enjoy. Next time you see Ashley at a market, stop and chat with her! She's more than willing to tell you stories, answer questions, or take flavor suggestions.


Ashley has a few pickling workshops under her belt, but be on the look out for some exciting news in the next few months 👀

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