This handmade non-caffeinated herbal tea blend combines well-known immune-boosting organic dried fruits along with sweet and peppery flavor notes for a unique, delicious brew. Organic dried elderberries provide deep, distinctive flavors and color along with immune boosting, anti-viral, and anti-inflammatory properties. Nettle and echinacea leaf bring antioxidants, allergy relief, and mellow, earthy flavors. Organic cinnamon chips and dried orange peel round out this one-of-a-kind nourishing blend with citrusy, spicy flavors providing digestive support and nausea relief along with a burst of vitamin C. Sweeten this blend or have it as is for a health-boosting pick-me up that’s sure to be a wonderful anchor in any herbal wellness ritual or routine.
Created in Baton Rouge, Louisiana by Adornleaf Tea Co.