| Carsen Smithwick

Maker Monday: Meet Fruition Organics

Have you ever bought a “healthy, fresh-squeezed” drink without even thinking about the ingredients? Did you just assume it was healthy because the label said so? Many of us probably haven’t stopped to read the ingredient list or look up the ingredients. However, Chentrell of Fruition Organics is conscious about what she puts in her body, and pays close attention to food and drink labels including those “healthy” drinks in the store. I decided to interview Chentrell to see why she decided to start her business, and learn more about her and plus the little odds and ends in between.


The idea of Fruition Organics was born during the COVID-19 pandemic. Chentrell had two goals in mind, “(1) to create a delicious and nutritious snack for myself and (2) to encourage others to consume more fruits and vegetables.” Chentrell said she often found herself looking for her dream drink at grocery stores; one that didn’t have added sugars, fake coloring or chemicals, and was made from organic ingredients that tasted good. She noticed that “during a time where building and maintaining a strong and healthy immune system should’ve been top priority,” people were wiping out the snack aisles and keeping the produce section full. She ended up asking herself, “how can I get people to consume these fruits and vegetables?” In December of 2020, she created her first vision board and made one of her goals to create an organic beverage company. She started with focusing on branding and experimenting with different recipes. In 2022, “my idea came to fruition… pun intended :-)”
I asked Chentrell how she came up with her flavors, and she stated that since people eat and drink with their eyes, she wanted her drinks to exude a certain mood. To her, “aesthetics is just as important as the health benefits.” She loves naturally vibrant drinks, so she experiments with different fruits, vegetables, and sometimes fresh herbs to find what pairs well for a balanced blend. She spends a lot of time in the produce aisles, roaming around, looking at, feeling, and smelling fruits and vegetables. “I envision the ingredients I want to use in a recipe, jot down a list, and allow my creative juices to take over from there.”
I wanted to know what life was like outside of Fruition Organics, but since Chentrell is a one woman show, there’s not a day that goes by that she isn’t working on her business, in her business, or improving her business. However, if she isn’t prepping for a Local Pop-Up market or a different event, sshe is usually scrolling through local food blogger social media pages to find new restaurants to try. “Food is my love language. I love to eat, cook, and experiment with new recipes”. She also loves going back home to New Orleans when she has time to eat a home cooked meal from her mom.
Since Chentrell is fairly new to the scene, there is so much to learn about her. She’s frequently asked at events about her background and how that led her to starting a juicing company. She received her Master of Arts in Health Studies from Southeastern University. She adds, “I’m a lion living in tiger-land.” After grad school, she made it a personal mission “to promote healthy behaviors in an effort to prevent chronic diseases and illnesses.” She’s a strong advocate when it comes to improving quality of life, which starts with the habits we form. Fruition Organics was created to dispel the myth that eating and drinking healthy doesn’t taste good. “I spend hours sorting through fruits and vegetables to make sure I get the best ingredients to provide premium quality organic drinks." Chentrell continues by saying, "Not to be biased, but Fruition Organic Drinks are delicious :-)” which, all of us at  Local Supply can attest to!
Chentrell will be hosting her first Juicing 101 Workshop with Local Supply on Saturday, June 10, 2023. Join us for a fun-filled Saturday morning where you will learn a new skill and a new recipe! Chentrell and all of us at Local Supply look forward to meeting you there!
To learn more about Fruition Organics visit her website and follow her on FB or IG! @fruitionorganics

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