| Carsen Smithwick

Meet Red Faced

Camille Hitt, owner of Red Faced - named after old paintings of women with rosacea - started her business around a year and a half ago once she started running out of room to store her art. She started off loving to paint, and later learned she could turn her paintings into jewelry. She mostly sticks with selling her jewelry at markets and online, but she still loves to create originals when she can! Camille is a self-taught creative who just loves to make things, and is currently working on honing her sewing craft so she can also make clothes to sell one day. 


This young business owner has been able to put her name in the spotlight at Local Pop Up markets, especially among the Local Supply/Local Pop Up team members. The more exposure Camille gets, the more her designs are getting popular. It went from her vampire design being the most popular, to her Snoopy design selling 12 necklaces in about two weeks! Camille's main source of ideas is whatever pops up in her head around 3AM each night. She keeps a notebook ready by her bed for whenever she does get bursts of inspiration. Camille gave the advice that the best way to get exposure and reach for your business is upping your social media game. Learning how to promote yourself on social media is the biggest part of owning a business, so every inspiring business owner should become familiar with the different platforms.



While this Thibodaux-native is familiar with the art scene in Baton Rouge, Camille would love to expand her reach into the Covington and Lafayette area by participating in markets in that area. Currently, you can find a selection of Camille's products inside Local Supply and occasionally find her at Local Pop Up markets. She won't be attending the April market, but she'll be set up with her jewelry and accessories at Hot Art Cool Nights on May 10th! When she's not attending a market or painting, she loves finding time to thrift or tending to her very high maintenance cats.

Tags: Red Faced